Picnic in the Park

Monday, November 11, 2013

Well, there are worse things 
Than staring at the water on a Sunday

With the weather mild, this is the perfect month for picnics. You can take your pick of the perfect spot from the two lists here and here. For utmost convenience, well kept lawns, and a view of the water, we chose the Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park in Sai Ying Pun. 

Max of Secret Ingredient prepared some sandwiches – Proscuitto, Rocket, and Roasted Pepper on Ciabatta, and a quinoa salad. Yum! I brought along some fruits (grapes are perfect for picnics), flavoured water (I added cucumbers, lemon and mint to mine and refrigerated it overnight for the flavours to infuse), and a nice bottle of Rose wine from Sancerre. 

Other items to bring on a picnic? A picnic blanket, some towels, the usual cutlery, wine glasses (there are disposable plastic ones from supermarkets that work just as well), and most importantly... a wine bottle opener (if your wine if not a twist-off)!

For these little collaborations between Secret Ingredient and me, go on ahead to their blog right here for the recipes and instructions. Look after the jump for a few more photos!

The perfect afternoon.


  1. I am willing to go non-veg for you if that food tastes as good as it looks. nom nom nom


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